What is a General Retainer Agreement and How Can it Benefit You?

general retainer

Have an attorney on call to answer all your questions and help with all your issues for only $2,500. The hardest thing I have done in my life was to start a material supply business from the ground up with my husband. My heart and soul went into that business, and I know many of […]

Fraudulent Liens and Invalid Liens in Texas

fraudulent liens invalid liens

You don’t want to file fraudulent liens and invalid liens. So as a contractor, you must work with a skilled Texas construction lawyer to ensure the liens they file are valid and accurate. Learn more about why in this blog.

Post-Judgment Collections in Texas – What You Need to Know

post-judgment collections

As many creditors know, the state of Texas provides robust protection for debtors, and navigating the process for post-judgment collections in Texas can be an overwhelming experience for even the savviest professional. Attempting debt collection during an economic slowdown can further compound a creditor’s frustration as they face an increase in slow-pay and no-pay debtors. After countless demand letters go ignored, creditors often turn to litigation in hopes of getting paid.

Liens on a Homestead

liens on a homestead in texas

Texas is a unique state when it comes to lien laws, especially in the residential world. Unlike many states, Texas is a homestead state, meaning homesteads have specific regulations for their protection—but can still also be liened under specific circumstances.

What is a Legal Subscription Plan?

legal subscription plan

We understand having an attorney on call is needed to run a successful construction business, so we created subscription plans based on the type of legal needs our clients have.

How to Trap Funds and Collect Your Retainage

trap funds

Imagine all the business opportunities that open up when you can secure the money you are owed. In this blog, you’ll learn more about what a lien is and what your lien rights are. Once you know what’s needed to have a valid lien, all the leverage is yours.

Collect Retainage Every Time

Collect retainage

Most, if not all, of your profit for your project is in the retainage payment. Don’t just walk away from retainage! Protecting your right to payment and protecting your bottom line is crucial as a business owner in the construction industry.

What is a Sham Contract, and Why It Matters

sham contract

Learn how to protect yourself and your business in this blog—don’t just trust that people are always going to do the right thing. Take the time to double-check every part of your process and cover your a$$. Someone’s word in the construction industry, unfortunately, is not a sure thing.

New Year, New Texas Lien Laws

2022 Texas Lien Laws

You need an intentional and consistent collection strategy that must include all the steps required to have a valid lien. The steps required to have a valid lien in Texas have changed. Beginning on January 1, 2022, there are some new things to consider when making your collection strategy.