La Gran Palabra de la L: Litigio
Este mes nos hemos centrado en los diferentes tipos de resolución de disputas. Aquí en el bufete de Cromeens, no solo nos enfocamos en proporcionar una representación orientada a los resultados, sino también en soluciones rentables. Queremos ayudar a nuestros clientes a evitar costosos honorarios legales por adelantado al educarlos y ayudarlos a construir contratos […]
The Big L Word: Litigation
Litigation is a dispute resolution process in which parties seek a resolution to be determined by a trier of fact, i.e., a judge or a jury. Parties enter the litigation process by filing a petition in a court of competent jurisdiction, which means you will file the petition in the court that best applies to the matter of the dispute.
The Facts About Mediation
Mediation is a dispute resolution system designed to assist parties in amicably settling the underlying dispute. This process can be entered into by parties in conflict both before and during the litigation process. In fact, mediation has been so successful in assisting parties with mutually settling disputes that most courts require the completion of mediation prior to going into trial.
Los Hechos Sobre la Mediación
Si las partes no llegan a un acuerdo durante el proceso de resolución informal, pero ambos tienen interés en resolver esto amigablemente, la mediación es una buena alternativa.
Dispute Resolutions Webinar
Problems and disputes are inevitable, especially in construction! It’s essential to understand what all of your options are in settling these disputes. Which options are cheaper, easier, or the right fit for each situation? Are there ways to protect yourself on the frontend before a problem ever arises? All of these questions and more will […]
Lien on Us Webinar
Join us as we go over everything you need to know about filing liens during the COVID-19 Crisis. During this time, we will most likely run into clients or suppliers who are not paying promptly. We are here to guide you on how to best handle this, and what the necessary steps are to file […]
COVID-19 Legal Guidelines Webinar
The Cromeens Law Firm is here to help you with any questions you may have about your business during the Coronavirus crisis. During this webinar, we discuss important information on local stay at home orders, Department of Labor regulations, managing active projects and employment during this pandemic. We will also open the floor up for […]
Entendiendo la Resolución de Disputas
¿En primer lugar, que es a lo que nos referimos con resolución de disputa en el sentido legal y de construcción? Resolución de disputas es un término que se refiere a un numero de procesos que pueden ser utilizados para resolver un conflicto, una disputa, o reclamo entre partidos, incluyendo el litigio, la mediación, el arbitraje, y negociación, o resolución informal de disputas. Problemas y diferencias en construcción y negocios van a ocurrir; ¡es como usted los maneja y como se protege por la delantera lo que puede marcar un mundo de diferencia! A través de nuestros blogs este mes, estaremos explicándole a fondo todas sus opciones para resolver conflictos y disputas potenciales, al igual de cómo abordarlos en sus contratos y subcontratos de construcción.
Understanding Dispute Resolutions
First off, what do we mean by dispute resolution? Dispute resolution is a term that refers to a number of processes that can be used to resolve a conflict, dispute, or claim between parties, including litigation, mediation, arbitration, and negotiation, or informal dispute resolution. Problems and differences in construction and business are going to happen; it’s how you handle them and how you protect yourself on the front end that can make a world of difference!
Partes de un subcontrato que pueden afectar su pago
Cuando piensa en pago y un contrato de construcción, probablemente muchos contratistas solo se enfocarán en la sección de pago del subcontrato. ¿Sabía usted que existen otras secciones del contrato de subcontratación que pueden afectar significativamente su habilidad en coleccionar pago? Siempre es importante revisar y entender el contrato en su totalidad, pero hay dos […]