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Celebrating Women in Construction Week

women in construction week

The construction industry has traditionally been male-dominated, but times are changing, and more women are breaking through the barriers to pave the way for future generations. As we celebrate Women in Construction Week from March 5 to March 11, it is important to recognize and celebrate the contributions of women in the field.

Karalynn Cromeens’ 2022 Guest Podcasts

Karalynn Cromeens 2022 guest podcasts

2022 was a fantastic year for construction podcasts, and The Quit Getting Screwed Construction Podcast was not the only podcast to reach new heights this year! Karalynn Cromeens, our managing partner and owner, was a guest on some notable construction podcasts this year too. From YouTube heavy hitters to some of Apple Podcast’s top industry […]

Construction Contracts: The Prime Contract

prime contract

The prime contact is by far the most in-depth of the contracts we’ve discussed so far. Not only does it include the same provisions and clauses that protect your work in a remodel/repair contract, but it also has a lot of other details that cover your ass!

Collecting a Judgment in Texas

collecting a judgment in texas

Texas law provides different methods for collecting a judgment in Texas regardless of whether the judgment originates from the state of Texas or another state. When a person or entity recovers money damages in a court, it will primarily be in the form of a judgment. A judgment is merely a piece of paper that declares a person or an entity owes another person or entity money. In order to collect on that piece of paper, consider the rules in this article.

Celebrating National Construction Appreciation Week

national construction appreciation week

The construction industry is one of the most essential contributors to society, keeping our infrastructure updated and our communities growing. In honor of National Construction Appreciation Week this week, we spoke with two of our local industry leaders and incredible clients to talk about what the construction industry means to them and what they love about the industry.

Tech vs. Traditional: How Trades Tech Can Get You the Gig

Trades tech vs. traditional

From allowing you to streamline your processes and enabling you to scale your business beyond what you originally thought possible to allowing you to have airtight legal support from your construction law team, implementing trades technology can truly elevate your operations as a construction company in today’s market.

Choosing the Right Trades Tech

Trades technology

In this blog, we discuss how using technology can not only make business easier to conduct but also how to make sure your technology’s advantages can also work to serve your clients. Not only do you want your technology to meet your needs, but you also want the software you use to work well with other technology you may use and to work for your clientele.

The Evolution of Technology in Construction

Trades Industry Tech Evolution

Trades industry technology makes it easier to get the job, keep track of the work, and get paid in a complete and timely fashion. It is worth preparing your company for the future, making your processes work to your benefit, and joining the next wave of construction is a sure-fire way to accomplish both tasks.

Leveraging Technology to Manage Your Construction Business

Trades Tech

Maximizing the benefit your trades technology can provide you is the goal, as long as you can ensure the technology you use works together with your other processes. It can significantly improve the quality of your company’s functionality and allow you to find a better work-life balance.

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