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Digging Deeper Podcast: Protecting Your Business through Subcontractor Liens and Contracts

Protecting Your Business and Profits with Liens and Contracts 

Karalynn Cromeens joins For Construction Pros’ podcast, ‘Digging Deeper’ to talk about how subcontractors can improve their business practices and protect their  profits through contracts and liens. Knowing how these facets work can help your company tremendously. Cromeens is hip to the legal language that some contracts use to confuse subcontractors and wants to make sure all workers are equipped with the knowledge to ditch all disputes. She covers the basics here, but the bulk of the information can be found in her book “Quit Getting Screwed: Understanding and Negotiating the Subcontract.” Click here to listen to what she has to say about knowing your contracts and filing liens.

Karalynn Cromeens

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