You Absolutely Must Collect Your Money

collect your money

Your business needs income to survive—and knowing how to collect money you’re owed is essential for the health of your business. Creating and implementing a collection strategy before collections become an issue is essential to ensuring everyone who depends on you is taken care of.

Could Your Company Survive a Legal Land Mine?

legal land mine

Do you think your company could survive a legal land mine? What are your company’s pain points? Where are you struggling? Get a plan together to make your company land mine-proof. Be proactive and think preventatively—your company depends on it!

Common Defenses to Contractor Liens

Lien defense

When you file a lien or threaten to file a lien, it is not uncommon for issues you have never heard of to arise. In this blog, we will go over the most common defenses to contractor liens and how to prepare for them while you are on the project.

Why Sending Notice of a Lien is So Important

notice of a lien

Sending notice that you filed your construction lien is an essential part of retaining your lien rights and ensuring you are paid what you are owed. To make sure your notice is valid, be sure to send it to the right person and place, at the right time.

Filing a Valid Lien on a Homestead in Texas

Texas homestead

Texas is a Homestead State, so before you start filing your lien, make sure you know what type of project you’re working on. It is imperative that you follow the specific steps put forth in Texas legislation if you want your lien on a Homestead project to be valid.

Turn Your Judgment into Cold Hard Cash

Mechanics and Materialmen's Liens

Congratulations, you won! But, now what? How do you turn that judgment into cold hard cash? Time is of the essence! There are a few options to consider when determining how to get your money in the fastest way possible.

Post Judgment Collections

Misapplication of Construction Trust Funds

A judgment is just a piece of paper. But did you know that you can turn that paper into cold hard cash through what lawyers like to call Post Judgment Collections? There are specific ways you can collect on those judgments, but litigation is costly, and just how do you decide to move forward with […]

CYA for Material Suppliers Part 3

Collection Strategy

In this blog, we discuss how you can use that information to create a consistent collection strategy. Don’t work for free. Collecting what is yours is crucial to the livelihood of your business.