Our Construction Business Lawyers are Your Partners in Business
Business Formation
As a business owner, it’s essential that you protect your personal assets, and the best way to do this is by incorporating. Being incorporated means your company is legally recognized as one of the following entities: a corporation, a limited liability company, a limited liability partnership, a limited partnership, or a professional corporation. It is vital that you follow all of the laws and regulations when incorporating. One mistake in the process, and you personally could be held liable for any debts or wrongdoing of your company.
Contact The Cromeens Law Firm Business Law experts today to ensure your construction business is legally set-up properly and your personal assets are protected!
Historically Underutilized Business (HUB)
A Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) is a for profit business that is majority owned (51% or more) by a woman, minority, and/or service-disabled veteran. It’s important for construction businesses that qualify to register for the HUB status as all state agencies are required to hire a certain amount (ranging from 11%-33%) of HUB businesses on their state-run construction projects.
Our Business Law Lawyers at The Cromeens Law Firm make sure that your construction business is set up properly. It is essential that your business has all the required and advantageous registrations, like the Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) certification, so that it is set-up for success. Here at The Cromeens Law Firm we are your partners in business.