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Daily Reports Are Not Just A Pain In The Ass

Covering All The Bases in Construction Have you ever been in a situation where you and another party couldn’t get on the same page about what took place and when while working on a project? Well, that’s what daily reports are all about. Karalynn Cromeens of the Cromeens Law Firm wrote a helpful article for […]

Navigate Defective Work Claims for Residential Contractors

navigate defective work claims

Whether it is for an oversight from a previous construction project, a problem that arose from your finished work, or something you are altogether unresponsible for, it is important to know how to proceed when faced with a defective work claim as a residential contractor. In this blog, we break down how to respond when faced with a defective work claim and how you can be preventative so that you don’t ever receive one to begin with.

Contractor Horror Stories Webinar with CPIA. May 19th

Is there anything scarier than not understanding your contracts and what you are signing? The truth of the matter is, whatever you sign in a subcontract will be used against you, and signing one bad contract can put you out of business. One of the most common details contractors miss is not looking at the […]

Get Paid On Time Webinar with The Blue Book Network. May 18th

This is the last installment of the webinar series with The Blue Book Network! Liens give you leverage! So why should you ever let your hard-earned money go down the drain? You owe it to yourself and your business to understand what is expected of you to collect on your construction projects and know the […]

Get Paid On Time Webinar with RHCA. May 12th

Are you owed money? Are you tired of not being paid on time (or sometimes not at all)? Don’t Work for Free! You owe it to yourself and your business to understand what is expected of you to collect on your construction projects and know the fundamentals of a collections process. The Cromeens Law Firm […]

Defining and Defending Against Defective Work Claims Webinar. May 26th

Calling all commercial and residential contractors! Have you ever been hit with a claim for defective work while working on a construction project? Have you ever been blamed for someone else’s error or received a defective work claim before you’ve had a chance to finish the job? Defective claims are a hotbed for miscommunication and […]

Tech vs. Traditional: How Trades Tech Can Get You the Gig

Trades tech vs. traditional

From allowing you to streamline your processes and enabling you to scale your business beyond what you originally thought possible to allowing you to have airtight legal support from your construction law team, implementing trades technology can truly elevate your operations as a construction company in today’s market.

Choosing the Right Trades Tech

Trades technology

In this blog, we discuss how using technology can not only make business easier to conduct but also how to make sure your technology’s advantages can also work to serve your clients. Not only do you want your technology to meet your needs, but you also want the software you use to work well with other technology you may use and to work for your clientele.

Construction Executive: Improve Cash Flow With a Consistent Collection Strategy

Key Components to a Consistent Collections Strategy Nobody ever wants to find themselves working for free, but it happens more often than not in the construction industry. Karalynn Cromeens of the Cromeens Law Firm wrote an article for Construction Executive to give tips on how to successfully collect your payments on time. If you’re proactive, […]

The Evolution of Technology in Construction

Trades Industry Tech Evolution

Trades industry technology makes it easier to get the job, keep track of the work, and get paid in a complete and timely fashion. It is worth preparing your company for the future, making your processes work to your benefit, and joining the next wave of construction is a sure-fire way to accomplish both tasks.