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Legal Advice on Demand for Contractors

retainer agreement

Having legal advice on demand is critical to running a successful business in the construction industry. The general retainer is a great solution to helping every construction company run a better business by educating our clients where they stand legally to make informed decisions.

Contracts, Provisions, and Legalese, Oh My

Delving into the Dangers of Defects and Delays No one wants to spend time redoing a job that they’ve already put time and energy into. Karalynn Cromeens of the Cromeens Law Firm wrote a piece for US Glass magazine to explain why you may end up responsible for redoing the work if it has been […]

All About Contracts – When Uncontrollable Things Happen

Preparation for the Unpredictable If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is that regardless of what life may throw at you, you must be prepared to adjust. Many contractors are still being hit by the effects of COVID. Dealing with an increase in material prices, access to material, and tremendous delays can be ALOT happening […]

All About Contracts – The Work

Specifying the Work Describing the work you are going to do is vital in the construction business. It allows everyone to be on the same page as far as expectations and makes no room for blurry lines. Karalynn Cromeens of the Cromeens Law Firm wrote a blog for the Construction Brothers to highlight some of […]

Highlighting Women in Construction

Worker Safety

Women in the construction industry are a cut above the average, and the skill, grit, heart, and sense of purpose they lead with are unmatched. Get to know these pillars of the WIC community in this blog post.

Karalynn Speaks at Painting Contractors Association’s 2022 Expo

Important Topics Karalynn Discussed at PCA Expo / March 2 – 4 Earlier this month, we had so much fun at the Painting Contractors Association’s National Expo. Karalynn led important discussions educating contractors of the importance of securing the money they are rightfully owed, the key to running a successful business, and all the dangerous […]

How the Construction Industry Shaped Me

Learn About The Get Sh*t Done Tribe and What It Means to Karalynn Cromeens One of the many things that separate Karalynn Cromeens from other construction attorneys is her firsthand experience in construction. She shares her unique story of growing up in the construction industry and how it directed her to be a voice for […]

Fortify Your Financial Foundation Webinar – March 22, 2022

Are you owed money? Are you tired of not being paid on time (or sometimes not at all)? Are you asking yourself what is the point of working if you are not getting paid? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this webinar is for you! It’s so important to understand the steps […]