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How to Avoid an Employee Legal Land Mine

avoid employee legal land mine

Hiring people in the construction industry and classifying them incorrectly can become a major employee legal land mine that can blow up your construction business. It does not matter what you call them or what they call themselves; what matters is what the law calls them based on what they do for you.

Could Your Company Survive a Legal Land Mine?

legal land mine

Do you think your company could survive a legal land mine? What are your company’s pain points? Where are you struggling? Get a plan together to make your company land mine-proof. Be proactive and think preventatively—your company depends on it!

What to Expect from an Unannounced OSHA Inspection

OSHA likes to do unannounced inspections to make sure every workplace is following all the rules to provide a safe and healthy environment. Are you properly prepared for an unexpected drop-in at your job site? What exactly does an OSHA inspection entail?

Non-Compete Clauses: How to Protect Against Competition


The best practice for non-compete clauses is to speak with an employment law attorney that knows your business and can effectively create restrictive covenants. Doing so will save your business both time and money while legally giving you the maximum protection allowed under the law.

Employment Law: Classifying Employees


Running a business is no simple endeavor, and the challenges that are a part of navigating employment law, especially, seem to be endless. This blog series covers the most integral points of employment law that every business owner should be aware of. In this blog, we’ll address common misconceptions about classifying employees as well as how to do it correctly.

The Benefits of Employment Forms and Personnel Records

August 26, 2019 Blog Post Growing Pains

Benjamin Franklin said “Remember that time is money.” This sentiment has been repeated over and over since he first wrote it over two hundred and fifty years ago. Many people use this phrase to mean that if you are wasting time, you are wasting money. While this is true and helps businesses become more efficient, […]

Dealing With an EEOC Charge of Discrimination

If you have received a notice that an EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Charge of Discrimination has been filed against your company by either a current or former employee, the following are tips on dealing with a Charge of Discrimination. 1. Don’t Panic. Although it’s called a “Charge of Discrimination,” the initial notification that a claim of […]

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