Commercial Construction Coffee Talk feat. Karalynn Cromeens

Karalynn’s Timeline

Many people don’t get to see what’s underneath an attorney’s poker face, and so they just assume the worst. David Corson, host of Construction Commercial Coffee Talk, interviews Owner & Managing Partner of The Cromeens Law Firm, Karalynn Cromeens to get to know her and how she got to where she is today. This interview highlights many of Karalynn’s values that were instilled in her at a young age and even touches on how they may have been challenged during the peak of COVID-19. If you want to learn about the woman who sails Cromeens Law Firm’s ship, this is episode is a great start. Tune in here.


Karalynn Cromeens is the Owner and Managing Partner of The Cromeens Law Firm, PLLC, with over 17 years of experience in construction, real estate, and business law. A published author and passionate advocate for contractors, she has dedicated her career to protecting the businesses her clients have built. Karalynn is on a mission to educate subcontractors on their legal rights, which inspired her books Quit Getting Screwed and Quit Getting Stiffed, as well as her podcast and The Subcontractor Institute.

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