Building on Adversity: The Experiences of Karalynn Cromeens

How Karalynn Cromeens Turned Adversity into a Helping Hand

Karalynn Cromeens shares her experiences balancing both her entrepreneurial efforts and her work as a lawyer in construction with the Maestro Center’s resident magazine, Maestro Connect. She also discusses what being a leader means to her. Although juggling all these responsibilities is not easy, Cromeens feels it is for the greater good. Her hard work is leveling the playfield for contractors and subcontractors throughout the construction industry. By following Cromeens’ books, podcasts, and speaking engagements, construction professionals can learn all they need to know about understanding and negotiating construction contracts. In this particular interview, she details the delineation of “scope” and “bid” which can be a tricky concept for many. Click here to read all about it.


Karalynn Cromeens is the Owner and Managing Partner of The Cromeens Law Firm, PLLC, with over 17 years of experience in construction, real estate, and business law. A published author and passionate advocate for contractors, she has dedicated her career to protecting the businesses her clients have built. Karalynn is on a mission to educate subcontractors on their legal rights, which inspired her books Quit Getting Screwed and Quit Getting Stiffed, as well as her podcast and The Subcontractor Institute.

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