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Quit Getting Screwed Webinar with The Blue Book Network – March 16, 2022

Every day, subcontractors across all trades face the same critical dilemma: Should I sign a subcontract I don’t understand—one that might even put my company at risk? Or should I refuse to sign and lose the job? It’s imperative you know which provisions you should expect and which ones to avoid. Attorney, and best-selling author, […]

All About Contracts – The Schedule

Time Is of The Essence! When it comes to construction, an estimated time of completion can be difficult to nail down. You don’t want to overpromise and not complete it in time, but you also don’t want your client to think you’re going to take forever and risk not getting the job. When it comes […]

All About Contracts – Quality of Work and Warranty

The Consequences of Doing Bad Work We should all strive to do good work – especially when you are being paid to do so. Karalynn of the Cromeens Law Firm connected with the Construction Brothers as a guest blogger to explain how warranties can help to enforce quality work, while also limiting your risk and […]

Subcontracts Are Broken

Why The Subcontract Is Failing You In construction law, signing something that you are legally bounded to is a big deal. This is why it is extremely important to understand every part of a subcontract. Construction attorney Karalynn Cromeens got with the Construction Executive to share how the current subcontracts are written. Not only are […]

All About Contracts – Payment Terms

Preparing for Pay Day Having to ask about a payment can be awkward – especially when its overdue. Karalynn wrote a blog for the Construction Brothers to give tips on how to avoid these conversations. Including payment terms in a contract can be a life-saver especially when the person who hired you is refusing to […]