Subcontractors: Prepare Bids This Way to Protect Your Bottom Line
Have you ever had the unpleasant—and costly—surprise of a general contractor putting additional job requirements into your scope of work? Fortunately, there’s a way to protect yourself: by preparing an itemized bid that lists exactly what you agree to do for the reflected price. Itemizing your bid and then thoroughly reviewing the subcontract before signing is the best way to be clear about your expectations and to prevent financial ruin from an unexpected work requirement. So—prepare your bids this way and protect your bottom line as a subcontractor.
Proteja sus resultados como subcontratista preparando sus ofertas de esta manera
Detallar su oferta y luego revisar minuciosamente el subcontrato antes de firmar es la mejor manera de tener claras sus expectativas y evitar la ruina financiera por un requisito de trabajo inesperado.